we are our ancestors/Soldiers for peace (s4p)

“In conversations with Pete about “we are our ancestors” I have come to see how our past affects our future, and how we are both our past and future.

“Soldier for peace” is about the actions we take in the present, particularly with the lessons of “we are our ancestors” in mind. Many people my age or younger have strenuous, toxic relations with their family and ancestors. It can make us feel ashamed of our family and family history. In my mind this is an important message for young people to hear about because our ancestry can sometimes feel like a weight holding us down, instead of a lesson that can propel us forward”

– Featured Artist and Activist, SACHI (age 22)

We Are Our Ancestors and, Soldier For Peace (Introduction) Pt. I, Fight or Flight,

by Pete Jackson


I’m going to weave together parts of two personal stories that speak about the human behavior of fight or flight, which is an internal unconscious response that causes all humans to want to take arms or run when they feel threatened. I used both of the experiences that I will share to deepen my study of this one human behavior within me, and in people I taught in multigenerational, and ethnic communities in which I taught. The study ultimately led to the formation of We Are Our Ancestors and Soldier 4 Peace as one integrated approach to my social advocacy course work.

The first story was comical in hindsight and it occurred relatively early in my martial arts training, The second story happened many years later, well into my prime as a martial artist. The first story goes as follows. While driving, I accidentally bumped the rear fender of a vehicle in front of me twice, and a white man pulled over and got out of the vehicle. The woman I was dating at the time yelled, “he has a gun!” I jumped. I got out of the car while threatening to kick his ass if he didn’t put the gun down.

The second story was when I was stopped for speeding in a rural area in the U.S. After running my license through whatever database he used, the state patrol officer returned to my car, and started yelling commands to turn off the engine and get out of the vehicle. When I asked what for, he immediately pulled his sidearm, pointed it at me while yelling the same commands.


Be a Part of The Movement

What does “We Are Our Ancestors” Mean To You

Inviting Conversation and Building Community
One “Ancestors” Mug at a time.
Provides a positive social media experience. Share a story, Listen to Others and Build Community.


How do you start? Follow these simple steps and rules.

Buy a Mug
Or, become a member, and receive a mug as a gift.
Your video doesn’t have to include words.
Your video shouldn’t be more than 3 minutes.

This movement is designed to hear all voices, and for you to share your story speaking about what ancestors mean to you. We understand that some people don’t have positive past/acestoral experiences and stories. We ask that you commit to tell your story with language and images that reflect the truth while being appropriate for all ages.

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